
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Thank God I pray to Allah SWT, who has given his grace and guidance, so that I can create a blog Calligraphy archipelago in accordance with what I had planned. Blessings and greetings may always devoted to the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his friends, and his faithful followers until the end of time. Aamiin.

In accordance with what I have planned that after completion of my study that I wanted to share the little knowledge that I have so that others can benefit. although apparently not yet finished for the semester 10 thank God I can still devote time to post and Blogging.

This blog I created / founded on 18 September 2012 with a capital of reckless, it means I do not have a basic or programming language background and no experience on a blog / site. I learned on my own computer from 2011 and even then the office’s computer so my stealth learning. in this case I feel so many flaws in setting up and running this blog. to the criticism and suggestions from visitors and friends of bloggers that are built I expected and I gladly accepted. may goodwill and good deeds brothers / sisters get reward from Allah SWT. with abundant replies. Aamiin


My goal originally was wanted to help children less fortunate especially those who live around where I tingggal, if this calligraphy blog can grow and make money of course. God willing, all proceeds from my blog will be donated to those less fortunate and for those who really need it. do’anya beg for it from friends all the visitors of this blog and this blog in order to run and develop in accordance with the plan. Sasudahnya before and I say thank you for the prayer.

Do not forget I say many thanks to:

1. WordPress.com as a place and hosting provider

2. Fellow bloggers who generously

3. Loyal visitors and the occasional visit.

What does it mean I am without you three, so once again I say thank you for the visit, since your visit means a lot to us.


Puji syukur saya panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga saya dapat membuat blog Kaligrafi Nusantara sesuai dengan apa yang saya rencanakan.  Shalawat serta salam semoga senantiasa tercurah kepada Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW, beserta keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan para pengikutnya yang setia hingga akhir jaman. Aamiin.

Sesuai dengan apa yang saya rencanakan yaitu setelah selesai study saya bahwa saya ingin berbagi pengetahuan sedikit yang saya miliki sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat untuk sesama. walaupun ternyata untuk semester 10 belum selesai alhamdulillah saya masih bisa membagi waktu untuk posting dan Blogging.

Blog ini saya buat/dirikan tanggal 18 September 2012 dengan modal nekat, artinya saya tidak punya basic atau latar belakang bahasa pemograman serta tidak punya pengalaman tentang membuat  blog/situs.  Saya belajar komputer secara otodidak mulai dari tahun 2011 itupun komputer milik kantor sehingga saya belajarnya sembunyi-sembunyi. dalam hal ini saya merasa begitu banyak kekurangan dalam mendirikan dan menjalankan blog ini. untuk itu kritik dan saran dari para pengunjung dan sahabat blogger yang sifatnya membangun saya harapkan dan saya terima dengan senang hati. semoga niat baik dan amal baik saudara/saudari mendapatkan balasan dari Allah SWT. dengan balasan yang berlimpah. Aamiin


Tujuan saya semula adalah ingin membantu anak-anak yang kurang mampu khususnya mereka yang berdomisili disekitar dimana saya tingggal, apabila blog kaligrafi ini bisa berkembang dan menghasilkan uang tentunya. Insya Allah semua hasil dari blog ini akan saya sumbangkan untuk mereka-mereka yang kurang mampu dan bagi mereka yang benar-benar membutuhkannya. untuk itu mohon do’anya dari sahabat semua serta para pengunjung blog ini agar blog ini bisa berjalan dan berkembang sesuai dengan rencana. Sebelum dan sasudahnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas do’anya.

Tidak  lupa saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada :

1. WordPress.com sebagai penyedia tempat dan hosting

2. Rekan-rekan blogger yang murah hati

3. Para pengunjung setia serta sesekali berkunjung.

Apa artinya saya tanpa ada kalian bertiga, jadi sekali lagi saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas kunjungannya, karena kunjungan anda sangat berarti bagi kami.

Salam jabat erat silaturrahmi dari saya serta salam santun ukhuwah Fillah

Bandung, 03 Juni 2013

Kaligrafi Nusantara.

Hp: 08 212151 5282

292 comments on “About

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections,
    I feel you may find something of your interest.

  2. an incredible blog you have got…i have never scene a calligraphic blog since yet…as calligraphy is not my field also but it is an interest of mine…so wanna ask that this is your collection of calligraphy or you have made it yourself??

    • That’s right what you say …. I was very confidential ..
      I have too much to lose the people I love, and as long as I spend time in the room itself, for that I created a blog kaligrafiNusantara, to overcome boredom and saturation, even though there are other goals I want to accomplish in this blog is when I could make a little money from a blog I will give to the orphans or the poor people around me. although expectations were very thin work but I need to try this …..

      Thank you for visiting and attention Ajay (my good friend)

      • thank you Habib Mustaqien

        I know you are a Malaysian

        But I wanted to know more okay
        if you do not intend to its absolutely okay my dear friend. I like people who tend to be elusive

        thank you

  3. I am happy you like them and I enjoy visiting your blog. Maybe I can learn something by doing so.

  4. Merhaba. 🙂
    I like very much yr blog, even the music , I understand it’s about God, this is is very nice.
    I want thank you for yr visiting my blog and for the likes.
    I’m glad to discover yr blog, wish u good luck in everything what u do.
    Have a nice day!
    With respect

  5. Bonsoir! You have an awesome blog, young man! 🙂
    Merci-Thanx for your constant visits @our international playground! 🙂
    Have a pleasant weekend and good luck in all your endeavours!
    My very best, Mélanie

  6. Thank you very much for visiting my neck of the woods. I’ve enjoyed exploring your site as well and have found some beautiful images. Visit me anytime!!

  7. the music is beautiful….
    Thank you for visiting my thoughts today….
    I will enjoy following your thoughts you do so graciously in art and words…
    Take Care,…
    You Matter…

  8. Adalah tempat yang indah salah satu kaligrafi Anda.

    I hope that google translate have done a good job; if not, I wanted to tell you that your place in a beautiful one.

    • Sorry my friend, I am actually embarrassed about my subject that I have not had time to write here that should have been since the beginning of the public to be informed. however, there is a brief description of what I’m doing all this (calligraphy archipelago) which will run as a social worker, because I am very concerned with the people around me, including the abandoned / less capable.
      maybe it’s just a little picture of me / calligraphy, and then I just hope that God will give you the best and easiest way for me so that I could help to people requiring assistance.

      thank you very much and greetings are friendly, calligraphy

    • Sorry my friend, I am actually embarrassed about my subject that I have not had time to write here that should have been since the beginning of the public to be informed. however, there is a brief description of what I’m doing all this (calligraphy archipelago) which will run as a social worker, because I am very concerned with the people around me, including the abandoned / less capable.
      maybe it’s just a little picture of me / calligraphy, and then I just hope that God will give you the best and easiest way for me so that I could help to people requiring assistance.

      thank you very much and greetings are friendly, calligraphy

  9. My dear friend…I have nominated you with the Sunshine Award as well as Super Sweet Award…it’s OK for you to take time to post about it or if you are busy then leave it as well so that it doesn’t become a chore…but I would like to show my appreciation through this award for your awesome blog and you being such a nice person and an awesome friend. Wish you an awesome day ahead!

  10. Hello my friend! I would like to tell you that you have a very unique blog with full of wise, colorful and nice posts! I would like to mention also, that I like the music of your blog when I often visit it. The song about Muhammad is very melodic and nice. Thanks for your efforts in this blog. Thanks for sharing peace. Thank you also for following my blog. I cordially wish you and your family all the best as well as new achievements in blogging.

    Very respectfully,

    • Arlen .. my friend, thank you so much for everything you say, and it is an honor for me.
      I also expect the same, your family and your blog is always the best in achievement

      Friendly greeting: calligraphy Archipelago

      • So much appreciated, my dear friend! It’s an honor for me, too. Continue to create your unique and peaceful posts in tribute to Belief, Love, Peace and Harmony on the Planet! All the best to you!


  11. Ping-balik: Archive of Comments | Arlen Shahverdyan. Author's Blog

  12. Hello Friend,
    Thanks for being on my blog and for the likes. Enjoyed the song here, though I didn’t understand the language but the music was really good.
    Good day.

  13. You’re amazing.. absolutely amazing… do u know that?? did you… ?!!
    Just had to tell you again… to remember… if you want…

  14. I love the calligraphy. We have a page from a commentary of the Koran in a frame. I also have a signet ring that I wear all the time that is from from Turkey and covered with Arabic calligraphy. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. Namate. . . .Anne For your blog to make money for the poor. . . .Inshalla ( Sorry if that is imisspelled!)

    • thank you very much, and I’m very happy you liked the calligraphy
      thank you for the motivation and prayers, hopefully calligraphy is not just logging but able to give a lot of benefits to others.

      friendly greetings from calligraphy archipelago

    • Thank you for your visit .. and thank you too, if you like the music, I like this song and this song is very true I love, Maher Zain is the singer’s name and the title of the song is “For the rest of my life”

      friendly greetings. calligraphy archipelago 🙂

  15. Thanks for your visit to my blog! I wanted to drop by and invite you to join in Project O which is a look into how opinions are formed around the world. If this interests you and if you have a social issue you might want to share with people, please consider joining! The post can be found at the top of my blog under Project O – The Original Project Idea and the template is the post next to it. Thanks again for taking the time to visit my blog! -OM

  16. I just wanted to say hello. 🙂 And thank-you for being such a great supporter of my blog. How are you doing? Looking forward to seeing your next art piece, they always brighten my day.

  17. I like a lot your blog.I hope you understand my english because i did not speak well.Thank you very much to give us the chance to see your beautiful blog. Best regards Daniel. Best regards!

  18. Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂 Your vision and thoughts are indeed a revelation. Great work. Happy blogging.

  19. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I often see you liking posts about animals. Do you care for the well-being of animals? You have a very visually interest blog.

  20. Hello my dear friend. I am very curious and concerned why you can not publish your beautiful pieces of art since october 12, 2013 in your blog. Sorry for my concern, but I hope that you and your family are fine. Happy Christmas my dear friend and a Happy New Year 2014. With regard and a big hug Edwin 🙂

  21. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and the words so beautiful to me!
    God bless you, Kaligrafi Nusantara!

    Happy New Year, good health and success always for you!

    All your posts are very nice and I really like the song that can be heard while see blog! Who sings it? I do not know the artist. I would love to know! His voice is exceptional! I like it very much!

    Have a wonderful day, Kaligrafi Nusantara! Love, Ştefania! 🙂

  22. Your art is so wonderful Nusantara. Loved it. I didn’t want to leave comments on the pages I visited as they would drown there perhaps. glad to have your site. Happy new year and stay blessed to produce more.


  23. You have made wonderful things with this blog and you have many friends. I am very happy and proud you are in my list of friends. Congratulation! God be with you and bless you!

    • thank you …

      I still learn a lot from blogger friends, I am also very happy to know you are very friendly, hopefully I can still always visit your blog again anytime.

      greetings of peace always, may God always bless you and your family there

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  29. Thank you for your beautiful site. I especially enjoy the beautiful photos and music that plays whenever I visit.. I don’t know why your site doesn’t translate, but I enjoy simply browsing your site. I admire your noble purpose for having this site; to help others. Thanks for your frequent likes and visits to my site. blessings, Brad

  30. Assalamualaikum kk. masih ingat dengan ku? bagaimana kabar kk ? bagaimana kabar anak-anak mu yang pintar dan lucu? bagaimana kabar istrimu? semoga selalu ada dalam lindungan Allah swt. aamiin…

  31. I am a Christian but I hope we can meet in talking, communication, and exhort one another to good works and love.

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